
Constituição Europeia

O texto final aprovado já está disponível em inglês e francês. A numeração é provisória. Por exemplo, o artigo "I-5a" é o que diz o seguinte:
The Constitution, and law adopted by the Union's Institutions in exercising competences conferred on it, shall have primacy over the law of the Member States.

Nota: ficheiros em pdf, com cerca de 1 Mb.

Para uma visão resumida, pode ler-se este "non-paper", elaborado pela Comissão. Destaco este parágrafo:

In legal terms, however, the Constitution remains a treaty. Therefore, it will enter into force when only all Member States have ratified it, which implies popular consultations in some Member States. It should be noted that any modification of the Constitution at a later stage will require the unanimous agreement of the Member States and, in principle, ratification by all. For some modifications, however ? for example with regard to the extension of the scope of qualified majority voting ? a unanimous decision by the European Council will suffice.