
Deconstructing Kerry's war record

Robert Novak explica a relevância política da análise da passagem de Kerry pelo Vietnam. O mesmo argumento, como expliquei aqui, justifica a relevância política da discussão sobre o estranho "Catolicismo" de Kerry. Quero crer que só não entende quem realmente não quer...

Why should details of what Kerry did more than 30 years ago be part of this election campaign? Only because the senator has made them integral to his strategy. Kerry as war hero received more attention at the Democratic National Convention than plans for the future. Thus, what he did in his shortened four months of combat becomes a valid campaign issue.


Unfit for Command sends a devastating message, unless effectively refuted. Perhaps most disturbing are allegations that Kerry's combat decorations are unjustified. His first Purple Heart, the book alleges, was accidentally self-inflicted. His commander, Grant Hibbard, is quoted as saying: "I didn't recommend him for a Purple Heart. Kerry probably wrote up the paperwork and recommended himself." Full release of documents demanded by his critics could settle this claim quickly if it is unwarranted.