
Expert Cited by CBS Says He Didn't Authenticate Papers

Entretanto, o Washington Post noticia que o especialista a quem a CBS supostamente teria recorrido para autenticar os documentos nega agora alguma vez ter procedido à sua autenticação:

The lead expert retained by CBS News to examine disputed memos from President Bush's former squadron commander in the National Guard said yesterday that he examined only the late officer's signature and made no attempt to authenticate the documents themselves.

"There's no way that I, as a document expert, can authenticate them," Marcel Matley said in a telephone interview from San Francisco. The main reason, he said, is that they are "copies" that are "far removed" from the originals.

Mais ainda, o Washington Post, após conduzir uma investigação própria, vem agora corroborar as conclusões que numerosas outras fontes têm vindo avançar desde que o ataque a Bush foi emitido no programa 60 Minutes da CBS:

A detailed comparison by The Washington Post of memos obtained by CBS News with authenticated documents on Bush's National Guard service reveals dozens of inconsistencies, ranging from conflicting military terminology to different word-processing techniques.

The analysis shows that half a dozen Killian memos released earlier by the military were written with a standard typewriter using different formatting techniques from those characteristic of computer-generated documents. CBS's Killian memos bear numerous signs that are more consistent with modern-day word-processing programs, particularly Microsoft Word.