
Os detalhes são uma chatice

A Joana Amaral Dias, depois de ler um artigo onde se lê:

««True, we don't know whether Katrina was linked to global warming»»

depois de citar o site de Kerry Emanuel onde se pode ler:

Q: You say that reliable records of hurricane wind speeds go back only to about 1950, so how can you say that there were not even more intense storms before 1950? How can you assert that the upswing in the last 50 years is a consequence of global warming?

A: We cannot say for sure.[...]

Q: I gather from this last discussion that it would be absurd to attribute the Katrina disaster to global warming?

A: Yes, it would be absurd.

e depois de citar outro site onde se pode ler:

««there is no way to prove that Katrina either was, or was not, affected by global warming»»

critica-me por eu ter escrito:

««não está demonstrada nenhuma relação entre furacões e aquecimento global»».

Pois ...