Num acto que caso tivesse tido por alvo um qualquer colunista politicamente correcto seria inequivocamente considerado pela esquerda bem pensante como uma grave acção de censura, o USA Today recusou-se a publicar um texto de Ann Coulter sobre a Convenção Democrática que o próprio USA Today havia encomendado.
Apesar do veto politicamente correcto do USA Today o texto está, felizmente, disponível para quem o queira ler.
Put the speakers in a cage
Apparently, the nuts at the Democratic National Convention are going to be put in cages outside the convention hall. Sadly, they won't be fighting to the death as is done in W.W.F. caged matches. They're calling this the "protestor's area," although I suppose a better name would be the "truth-free zone."
I thought this was a great idea until I realized the "nut" category did not include Sharpton, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and Teddy Kennedy - all featured speakers at the convention. I'd say the actual policy is only untelegenic nuts get the cages, but little Dennis Kucinich is speaking at the Convention, too. So it must be cages for "nuts who have not run for president as serious candidates for the Democratic Party."
The nuts in the cages are virtual Bertrand Russells compared to the official speakers at the Democratic Convention. On the basis of their placards, I gather the caged-nut position is that they love the troops so much, they don't want them to get hurt defending America from terrorist attack. "Support the troops," the signs say, "bring them home."
That's my new position on all government workers, except the 5 percent who aren't useless, which is to say cops, prosecutors, firemen and U.S. servicemen. I love bureaucrats at the National Endowment of the Arts funding crucifixes submerged in urine so much - I think they should go home. I love public school teachers punishing any mention of God and banning Christmas songs so much - I think they should go home.