
Bush, apesar de tudo

Contrariamente aos meus amigos CAA e Gabriel, eu acho que, apesar de tudo, uma vitória de Bush seria um resultado preferível a uma vitória de Kerry. É verdade que no primeiro mandato de Bush houve muito pouco que possa agradar a conservadores ou liberais, mas creio que caso Kerry seja eleito as coisas tenderão a ser ainda piores. Kerry pertence à ala esquerda do Partido Democrata e, mesmo esperando uma viragem ao centro no caso de ser eleito, creio que podemos esperar políticas ainda mais estatistas e "socializantes" do que as da corrente Administração. Numa lógica de evitar o mal maior, sinto-me compelido a preferir uma nova vitória de Bush, desejando que o seu segundo mandato possa ser, a nível interno e externo, bem mais consonante com os princípios liberais e com a tradição do conservadorismo americano.

Discordo radicalmente de Pat Buchanan em muitos aspectos, incluindo em matéria de política económica e, especialmente, no que diz respeito às vantagens do livre comércio internacional mas recomendo fortemente a leitura do artigo na American Conservative em que este declara, apesar de tudo, apoiar Bush:

The only compelling argument for endorsing Kerry is to punish Bush for Iraq. But why should Kerry be rewarded? He voted to hand Bush a blank check for war. Though he calls Iraq a "colossal" error, "the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time," he has said he would - even had he known Saddam had no role in 9/11 and no WMD - vote the same way today. This is the Richard Perle position.

Assuredly, a president who plunged us into an unnecessary and ruinous war must be held accountable. And if Bush loses, Iraq will have been his undoing. But a vote for Kerry is more than just a vote to punish Bush. It is a vote to punish America.

For Kerry is a man who came home from Vietnam to slime the soldiers, sailors, Marines, and POWs he left behind as war criminals who engaged in serial atrocities with the full knowledge of their superior officers. His conduct was as treasonous as that of Jane Fonda and disqualifies him from ever being commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.

As senator, he voted to undermine the policy of Ronald Reagan that brought us victory in the Cold War. He has voted against almost every weapon in the U.S. arsenal. Though a Catholic who professes to believe life begins at conception, he backs abortion on demand. He has opposed the conservative judges Bush has named to the U.S. appellate courts. His plans for national health insurance and new spending would bankrupt America. He would raise taxes. He is a globalist and a multilateralist who would sign us on to the Kyoto Protocol and International Criminal Court. His stands on Iraq are about as coherent as a self-portrait by Jackson Pollock.

E, assim sendo, no que diz respeito às presidenciais americanas, a contagem apurada até ao momento no Blasfémias é a seguinte:

Bush: 1
Kerry: 1
Brancos e nulos: 1