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Para que não se repitam erros do passado recente, seria muito positivo que a inequívoca vitória do Partido Republicano tivesse implicações claras a nível das políticas seguidas. Com o controlo do Congresso (significativamente reforçado no caso do Senado) e da Presidência, será indesculpável não levar a cabo políticas decididamente conservadoras.

Neste sentido, vale a pena ler o artigo Dis Unity: The case for governing boldly de Ramesh Ponnuru:

It has been 60 years since Republicans were this strong in Washington. While ideological conservatives do not make up a majority of the House or the Senate, they are a strong majority of the reasonably solid Republican majorities that do exist. President Bush should be able to get much of his program through, and Republicans will then be held accountable for it in 2006 and 2008. Previous legislative disappointments could be attributed to Democratic obstruction. There will still be Democratic opposition, of course, but the excuse will be less plausible.