Não é uma criança judia num campo de concentração nazi. Chama-se Abraham Carel Wessels, fotografado no campo de concentração de Bloemfontein, África do Sul, por volta de 1900 durante a segunda guerra Anglo-Boer. Cerca de 27 000 mulheres e crianças morreram num dos 31 campos de concentração criados pelos ingleses para cortar os apoios da população civil à guerrilha Boer.
The Concentration Camps (1899 - 1902):
According to a British journalist, WT Stead, the concentration camps were nothing more than a cruel torture machine. He writes: "Every one of these children who died as a result of the halving of their rations, thereby exerting pressure onto their family still on the battle-field, was purposefully murdered. The system of half rations stands exposed and stark and unshamefully as a cold-blooded deed of state policy employed with the purpose of ensuring the surrender of people whom we were not able to defeat on the battlefield."